
About Me

I'm Lauren Hubbard Richardson and I appreciate your visit to my blog. As far as I can tell, all my Hubbards are Southerners…at least back to 1786. That’s when I hit the big brick wall. By the way, so are most of the associated families as well. Most of them traveled through the South Carolina Upstate at one point or another. Some moved on, some moved and came back, most just stayed so there's lots of research to keep me busy.
I’ve always loved hearing the family legends. They bring the old ones and their lives to life for me. I’ve been trying to prove their stories and find others for more than 25 years. This blog will give voice to the stories and "flesh" to the bones of the ones who I've found in my research from my father’s side of the family: Hubbards and their associated kin.

DISCLOSURE: At this point, I have no affiliations with any of the companies I have linked to. I do have plans to affiliate with some organizations in the future. I'll let you know when things change.

Photo Credit: Fort Mill Photography